Front Garden Cleanup 2 to 3 hours

Task Assigned


Tidy front garden trim small bushes sweep drive 2 to 3 hours

Task Location: Deansgrange, Dublin
Due date: Any day of the week Sunday 13 Aug to Saturday 19 Aug 2023
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2023
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Comments & Offers

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Aoife M. one year ago

@Michael L. Hi thats fine so I will accept offer

Michael L. one year ago

Yes Tuesday would be good after 12.30, if that would suited. Or I can see if I could ask my 9.30am appointment to switch if that worked better.

Aoife M. one year ago

@Michael L. Hi Michael thats fine could you do Tuesday next week

Michael L. Made an offer one year ago
Aoife M. one year ago

@Michael L. Hi Michael could You do it on Thursday if you can I can go ahead with original offer

Aoife M. one year ago

@Michael L. Hi Michael Thanks for offer I just wanted to check whether you take cuttings away Today doesnt work for me

Michael L. Made an offer one year ago
Darragh A. Made an offer one year ago
Michael L. Made an offer one year ago
Barry W. Made an offer one year ago