Cut 18 inches off wall

Task Assigned


I am looking to cut 18 inches off the wall in my front garden to allow cars get in and out easier. I am looking for it to be cut clean and straight as it is now.

Task Location: Whitehall, Dublin, Co. Dublin
Due date: Flexible
Date Posted: 5 Jun 2024
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Comments & Offers

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Kenny M. 3 months ago

@Daragh H. Ok thanks. Sounds good.

Daragh H. 3 months ago

I have 8 years experience being a bricklayer, so I’ve done this plenty of times Kenny

Daragh H. 3 months ago

8 years experience being a bricklayer

Kenny M. 3 months ago

@Daragh H. Hi Daragh Yes I am. Have you much experience with this type of thing?

Daragh H. 3 months ago

How’s things Kenny, Are you still looking for this done?

Daragh H. Made an offer 3 months ago
Daragh H. 3 months ago

Hi Kenny, do you need the waste to be disposed of aswell? Cheers Daragh
