Electrician required

Task Assigned


Put up 2 wall sconces and look at outdoor light which is not working and looks like it may need to be replaced.

Task Location: Dublin
Due date: Flexible
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2024
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Comments & Offers

Task Assigned: Comments are now closed
Thomas K. 2 months ago

If you accept my offer we can exchange details

Emer M. 2 months ago

@Thomas K. Hi Thomas let me know if you are still interested/available? Thank you Emer

Emer M. 2 months ago

@enda m. Hi Enda - are you still available to do this and would you be free this week? thank you Emer

Michael K. Made an offer 2 months ago
Thomas K. Made an offer 2 months ago
enda m. Made an offer 2 months ago