Few house chore

Task Assigned


Few small tasks - Hanging Tv on wall, hanging front door canopy, 2 locks install, 1 lock fix, cabinet door fix, bathroom hose change I have all the parts, just need someone to come in for an hour or two and complete the tasks Price can be discussed if needed. Would prefer hourly.

Task Location: Clonee, Dublin
Due date: Any day of the week Sunday 22 Sep to Saturday 28 Sep 2024
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2024
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Comments & Offers

Task Assigned: Comments are now closed
Mihai G. Made an offer 8 days ago
Himanshu Y. 8 days ago

@Mihai G. Hey i have added more photos, so you ha e a decent idea of whats involved. Please comfirm so i can accept and we can finalise it for tomorrow

Karl S. Made an offer 8 days ago
Mihai G. Made an offer 8 days ago
Patrick L. Made an offer 8 days ago
Himanshu Y. 8 days ago

Also to confirm you offer include all the tasks listed - Hanging Tv on wall, hanging front door canopy, 2 locks install, 1 lock fix, cabinet door fix, bathroom hose change

Himanshu Y. 8 days ago

Ok sounds good. Can you please let me know if monday around 12-1 is possible for you to come ovet ?

Mihai G. Made an offer 8 days ago
Himanshu Y. 8 days ago

@Mihai G. How.much is your aite fee and whats the total i am.looking at ?

Mihai G. Made an offer 8 days ago
Himanshu Y. 8 days ago

@Mihai G. When are you available over next week.

Sherif E. Made an offer 9 days ago
Mihai G. Made an offer 9 days ago

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.