Garden maintenance

Task Assigned


Put in plastic border Bit of edging Little bit of mypex puf down Bag of Bark mulch spread All tools provided

Task Location: Trim, Co. Meath
Due date: Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2024
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Comments & Offers

Task Assigned: Comments are now closed
Patrick L. Made an offer one month ago
Ronald C. one month ago

@Patrick L. I'll go 200 I only saw the other offer

Ronald C. one month ago

@Patrick L. Great stuff Patrick

Patrick L. one month ago

Can do the job tomorrow

Patrick L. Made an offer one month ago
Ronald C. one month ago

Job is open The other man can only do evenings It's a 1 day job because it needs to be done bye Thursday. Thanks

Michael L. one month ago

Hi Ronald have you any photos please? Thank you
