Garden wall raised

Task Assigned


Need wall raised by two bricks high would need about twenty bricks also a repair to back garden wall

Task Location: Whitestown Park, Coolmine, Dublin
Due date: Flexible
Date Posted: 2 May 2024
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Comments & Offers

Task Assigned: Comments are now closed
Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Donagh M. Ok I will accept the offer

Donagh M. 4 months ago

Yes but I’ll Need to see job as it could be 100 more if there’s more needed

Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Donagh M. Are you supplying all the material too

Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Donagh M. Ok

Donagh M. 4 months ago

Hi Bernadette you need to accept my offer and pay the small deposit fee here first before we swap info. Thanks

Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Donagh M. [content moderated by TaskMatch, contact details can only be exchanged via private messaging]

Donagh M. Made an offer 4 months ago
Daragh H. Made an offer 4 months ago
Daragh H. 4 months ago


Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Daragh H. Am in work now so willl take a photo this evening when I get home at six

Donagh M. 4 months ago

Where’s the photo of the damage wall

Daragh H. Made an offer 4 months ago
Derek M. 4 months ago

Hi Bernadette,. Could.i have a look at the job please and I available next week. Thank you

Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Derek M. So would you provide the material for the job and how soon would you be available

Derek M. Made an offer 4 months ago
Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Solomon O. No taught you would provide the materials and then I pay you

Hashim B. 4 months ago

Ok no worries yes that would be helpful. How high and wide is the wall currently? And will you be providing the materials?

Bernadette M. 4 months ago

@Hashim B. Not at the moment won’t let me post the photo saying it’s too large can try take another photo tomorrow

Solomon O. Made an offer 4 months ago
Hashim B. 4 months ago

Hi do you have any photos of how it currently looks like? Thanks
