Garden work

Task Assigned


we have a new build house with a small garden that hasn't been touched . it's clay with some grass and stones. We want someone to do some work to it with seeding after. We don't have any garden tools and access to the garden is via the house only.

Task Location: Rathfarnham, Dublin
Due date: Flexible
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2024
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Comments & Offers

Task Assigned: Comments are now closed
Patrick L. Made an offer one month ago
Mark C. Made an offer one month ago
Sarah B. one month ago

@Mark C. HI Mark, Thanks for the reply - would the brackets be included in the price? There's small rocks in the grass that should be removed as well. Would you have all the necessary tools as we literally don;t have anything yet and no shed yet. Thank you

James L. Made an offer one month ago
Mark C. Made an offer one month ago
Gabriel M. Made an offer one month ago
Barry W. one month ago

Hi sarah, just to check, would strimming cutting and seeding be what you want done? Thanks Barry

James L. one month ago

Hi Sarah, what work are you looking to have done exactly?
