Install air vents in 4 bedrooms

Task Assigned


Drilling holes in walls, and installing air vents in four bedrooms.

Task Location: Tipperary
Due date: Flexible
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2024
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Comments & Offers

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Claire M. 2 months ago

@Aaron M. First time using this. Will do.

Aaron M. 2 months ago

Hi Clare you need to accept the offer so I can send my contact number

Claire M. 2 months ago

@Aaron M. Tomorrow would be good for me. Can you send me on your contact number please.

Aaron M. 2 months ago

I can come do it tomorrow anytime or Friday anytime

Claire M. 2 months ago

Great, when could you do it?

Aaron M. 2 months ago

It will be the exact same as when we arrive to when we leave due to the dust free system

Aaron M. 2 months ago

We have a dust free system we’re a industrial hoover is connected while the drilling takes place and roughly 1.5 up to 2 hours

Claire M. 2 months ago

@Aaron M. Hi Aaron, thanks for coming back to me. How long would a job like this take? And what kind of mess/dust level would be left afterwards? I've two small kids in the house who suffer from asthma so hoping to keep it as minimal as possible.

Aaron M. Made an offer 2 months ago