Plumber needed

Task Assigned


Replace current tap - parts available with us Fix toilet seat - part available Fix exhaust fan - part available Fix flush - inside wall

Task Location: The Liberties, Dublin , Co. Dublin
Due date: Monday, 12 Aug 2024
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2024
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Comments & Offers

Task Assigned: Comments are now closed
Rainer D. one month ago

@Gary L. Replace current tap - parts available with us Fix toilet seat - part available Fix exhaust fan - part available Fix flush - inside wall Just called you

Gary L. one month ago

What is the job???

Rainer D. one month ago

@Gary L. Hello yes , toilet seat I’ll get and come , and there is access

Gary L. one month ago

You have all parts and is there access to the back of the toilet

Rainer D. one month ago

@Gary L. Can you come today ?? Around what time ?

Gary L. Made an offer one month ago