Repair dim light switch

Task Assigned


My switch for my kitchen light is not working and I need some assistance to fix this please. Thank you

Task Location: Churchtown Lower, Dublin, Co. Dublin
Due date: Flexible
Date Posted: 1 Nov 2022
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8yx8yx 8. one year ago

No price doesn't include the switch but they're not that expensive and if you wish I can pick one up for you

Wenderson S. one year ago

So tomorrow I'll be there from 3.30pm. Accept my offer so that I give my contact and you send me the address. Thanks

Jolene V. one year ago

@Wenderson S. Hi Santos. Anytime after 1530?

Wenderson S. one year ago

Hi Jolene. Yes sure! What suits you the best on Thursday?

Jolene V. one year ago

@8yx8yx 8. Thanks Jerry, I suspect as much. Does your quote include the replacement?

Jolene V. one year ago

@Wenderson S. Hi Santos. I am not available today. Would Thursday afternoon be OK?

8yx8yx 8. Made an offer one year ago
Yani B. Made an offer one year ago
Wenderson S. Made an offer one year ago