Skim a room approx 20Sq meter

Task Assigned


My Kitchen and living room need a skim of plaster the walls are not great after i removed the woodchip wallpaper if it makes it easier and cheaper i can thistle bond all the walls first approx. 20 Sq meters

Task Location: Templeogue, Dublin
Due date: Flexible
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2024
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Comments & Offers

Task Assigned: Comments are now closed
Ruslan M. 7 months ago

No, I’m happy with everything, I’m ready to come over and see the work.

Roughan B. 7 months ago

@Ruslan M. Hi there are you happy with pics or do you want me to send you more , will you need me to thistlebond it first ?

Ruslan M. Made an offer 7 months ago
Roughan B. 7 months ago

It’s 1 room which has a partition that goes across half way across the middle of it separating the kitchen from the living room , total area to be skimmed is approx 20sq meter

Ciarán M. 7 months ago

Hi Roughan. How many rooms? And how many walls? Thanks Ciarán
